Join the College

Email address - please use the email previously supplied to the College
Personal details
Medical registration and GP College numbers

Practice Nurse Registration Numbers

Add your address details

Choose your membership category
Membership categoryAUD p.a.NZD p.a.Description
Full Member420420Doctors registered to practise in Aus or NZ
Associate210210Doctors practising outside Aus/NZ
Non-practising Member100100Former Associate & Full Members of the college who are no longer practising. Pending College Team approval.
Associate Nurse210210Nurses
Associate Allied Health210210Allied Health professionals
Associate Practice Manager210210Practice Managers
Student100100Medical, Nursing or Allied Health

OPTIONAL: Subscribe to SkinPro CPD - $495.00 (Australian registered practitioners only)

OPTIONAL: SkinPro CPD subscription (provided on calendar year basis) at $495.00 pa (inc GST).

Acknowledgement and CPD Home nomination

I confirm selection of SkinPro CPD as my CPD home. I understand that my SkinPro CPD subscription is not processed until my payment has been received.

I understand that my SkinPro CPD subscription costs $495.00 per annum in addition to my membership.

If you intend to use an additional CPD home enter it here.

Add an optional subscription to the Journal of Dermatologic Surgery

Journal of Dermatologic Surgery is $235 AUD or $245 NZD [inc GST] on a calendar year basis. Delivery is by either email or mail.
A 2025 subscription includes back issues from January and ends December 2025.

Permission and acknowledgements

I am happy to receive information from the College concerning upcoming education & conference events

I agree to be bound by the Constitution of the Skin Cancer College Australasia.

I understand that my membership is not finalised until endorsed by the Board and payment has been received as per SCCA Constitution section 8.2.

If you have a valid discount code please enter it here

Select your preferred payment option

New Zealand residents please choose EFT Payments as we are unable to take credit card payments from New Zealand at this time.