Education & Events

Enrolment form

2025 JUNE Advanced Skin Surgery Workshop - Sydney - Hilton Sydney

Your details
Dietary requirements

Are you a Skin Cancer College Australasia member?

Yes, I am a current member.

How did you find out about us?

Medical registration and GP College numbers
Practice Nurse Registration Numbers
Your postal address

The Skin Cancer College Australasia (SCCA) collects personal information that is reasonably necessary for us to carry out our activities. The personal information we are collecting in this form enables us to register you for one of our training courses, conference, or events. SCCA invites sponsors to its conferences, events and training courses. We provide our sponsors with statistical data, however any statistical data provided to them is de-identified. We may also provide to our sponsors names, email addresses, region and country of origin, so they may contact you about their products and services, however we obtain your consent before we disclose this information. Please indicate your consent (or not) by selecting the relevant option below. For more information, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

Prerequisites information

I understand that my registration will not proceed if I do not meet the pre-requisite entry requirements for this workshop.

If you have a valid discount code please enter it here
Course confirmation

Double check that you have selected the correct course and location.

The course you have selected is:
Advanced Skin Surgery Workshop
Location: Sydney

I have double checked that Advanced Skin Surgery Workshop is the course I wish to do.

I have double checked that Sydney is the correct location of the course I wish to do.